FixItemFix sub frequency for weeks
FeatureUsersRemove phone detail from users list in admin
FixStripe ConnectSaving default payment method in the new admin panel
FixCssUse default styles.css for all stores #6874
FixSub ModifyAllow using $0 with sub_modify=replace
refactorIdor protection
FeatureUpsRefresh oauth tokens if expiry is approaching within next 15 minutes
FixSezzleParse json to the array
FixAppFix Stripe header changes to work with API-created transactions
FixJournal EntriesAdd journal entries for subscription renewals
FeatureGatewayImplement PayJunction Gateway
FeatureSquare UpAdd cash app and apple pay support
FeatureStripe ConnectUse new auth header
polishUpdate user_invitation docs to remove filips details
FeatureUpdate permission for store users endpoint
FixUpdate language list to match current supported languages
polishDocsRemove sandbox and HAL browser references
FeatureGatewaysAdd fake cc data in the customer table from the payment token
FeatureGatewaysReload customer default gateway for the non CC tokens
FeatureCorsAdd cors header javascript_origin_uri
updateDocsAdd missing docs for property_helpers/payment_gateways
FixSubscriptionAdd store id for third party id queries
FeatureWigwagAdd more detail logs
FixAnalyticsUpdate analytics event values to total_item_price
FeatureApple PayEnable it for new cybersource integration and worldpay
FixApiSecurity improvement related to customer addresses
Revert "featCorsAdd CORS headers according to javascript_origin_uri"
docsReplace passkey placeholder text
docsUpdate customer_auto_apply documentation
FixApiOnly update taxes and totals for cart after embedded models are saved
FixWigwagUpdate card consent request
docsUser invitations, typos and description
FeatureCorsAdd CORS headers according to javascript_origin_uri
FeatureTaxesFetch and Add Minnesota delivery fee to Avalara taxes
FeaturePasskeyAdd foxy_user_passkeys table to database
FeatureGatewaysAdd supports_multi_currency parameter to payment gateways configuration
FeaturePaypalAdd MsgSubId to request parameters for Idempotency
FixSubscriptionsPrevent negative total amount for future subscriptions
FeaturePre Cart WebhookTrigger on checkout load
FixUser InvitationChange from email and fix typo
FixPermissionsFix store permission model
FeatureGatewaysAdd verify raw CC and stripe token
FeatureGatewayAdd verification raw CC and stripe token
FixCybersource RestUse a non-negative number for the discount amount for cybersource/bofa
FixCheckoutAdd display none for apple pay amount change label
FeatureGatewayImplement Elavon Payment Gateway
FixCouponsEnable applying unrestricted coupons to empty cart
polishCorrect spelling for customer_portal_settings scope
FeatureCybersource RestSupport transaction review
docsAdminAdd help text to shipping code
FeatureTaxesAdd tax account identifier to logging for requests #6727
FixTax SetAdd logs for returning value for tax set
FeatureUser InvitationsInvite users to new admin via API
refactorUpsVerify certificate on cURL request
FixGatewaysMake gateway property helpers password type
FeatureWebhooks V2Create webhook status before the message gets sent to sqs
choreUpdate GPG public key
buildAppChore: privacy policy update