FeatureRecaptchaAdd taxjar to recaptcha error exclusions and log verify errors
FeatureGatewayIntegrate with Handepay
FeatureGatewayAdd verification support for NMI
FeatureCartAllow multiple applied coupon for PUT request
FixWalleeAdd error response on exception
FeatureGatewayWallee integration
FixCartRemove webflow extra request param
StyleCheckoutRemove strong tags from gateways
FixEmailsAdd permissions checks
FeatureAdminRemove store creation functionality from the legacy admin
StyleCheckoutRemove html from gateway errors
FeatureUserRemove ability to add and remove users from the legacy administration
FeatureUser InvitationCreate on store and user creation #1242
FixUserUpdate user invitation when user is created
FixCustomersCan not use empty array for the sql in operator #1241
FixPermissionsFix empty permissions
FeatureStoreSend email to helpdesk on store creation
refactorCardpointeCardPointe Improvements
FixApple PayFix Apple Pay button styling on checkout
FeatureUser AccessRemove writable actions
refactorUser InvitationDo not display null for first and last name
revert subscription webhooks v2 change
FixStoreUpdate store activation links to use new standard_2 and advanced plans
choreAdd additional brand names to Chase Paymentech
FixGatewaysRestrict to a single instance of a given gateway or fraud option per payment set
FixSubscriptionsAdd cancel event in subscription processor
FixSign UpCreate redis session for sign up users
FixCardpointeUpdate rounding to ensure it passes whole cents
FixGatewaysDeprecate some gateways
FixGatewayAdd is_live=false to the gateway configurations it was missing from
FeatureGatewaysIntegrate with CardPointe
FixWigwagFor subscriptions check the initial consent id under payments node in response
FixApi JsonUpdate login date on customer login without fcsid and return force_password_reset for app-serverless request
FixApple PayLog processing errors to error table
FixGatewaysRestrict to a single instance of a given gateway or fraud option per payment set
FixCategoriesSet 0 for default_weight for not shippable categories
FeatureWebhooksSend webhooks on api actions
FeatureBraintreeAdd cvv for verify method
FixBarclaycardDeprecate Barclaycard gateway integration
FixOwner ToolsAllow multiple store ids
FeatureLogsLog template caching events
FixLogsLog template caching events
FixUser InvitationsAdd links to store and user resource
FixOwner ToolsCheck if ids are numeric
FixSezzleDelay ipn request
FixPaypal PlatformFix webhook signature verification
FeatureUsersRemove phone from users resource
FeatureUpsAdd cronjob for refreshing the UPS tokens
FeatureTransactionsAdd zoom for subscriptions from transactions
FixStripe ConnectFix failing migrate stripe connect cards