Cart Abandonment

Monto Abandoned Cart Recovery

Starting at $20/mo.

Monto Abandoned Cart Recovery

Automatically recover lost sales with automated abandoned cart recovery emails to your customers who left their cart!

Abandoned Carts are a huge problem (about ~70% of all carts are abandoned)! But these shoppers are some of the highest quality traffic you’ve got. We help you bring them back through a customizable email sequence. Many of our merchants typically see a 10-15% lift in sales.

Watch your carts (abandoned, pending, converted) get created and updated in real time to see action in your store. Watch out – it’s addicting!

Monto’s Abandoned Cart Recovery takes two minutes to install and runs in the background of your store. It does its thing without you needing to think about it.

Completely free for your first 3 recoveries. No obligation to pay. Want a few more extra free recoveries? Just reach out to us and ask :)