less than a minute read • Updated 2 years ago

Where are products managed?

Most ecommerce platforms have a built in CMS, which controls not only your website, but also the way your products are displayed, and thus, your products themselves. Foxy is not a CMS, and as such doesn't control your site, nor does it manage your products.So where do your products live? And what is a product? That's a good question. Simply put, a “product” in Foxy is simply anything that exists in the cart (put there via a GET or POST request, if you want specifics). There are no limitations on what types of products you can create, how you create them, how many options they have, or etc. If you can build an add-to-cart link or form, Foxy can almost always handle the product. 

Products “live” on your site, and because you have ultimate control, you can approach products from a variety of ways.

  • Hard-coded links or forms with specific product information.

  • Links or forms populated from a database or CMS.

  • Forms with open fields for donation amounts or custom attribute fields.

  • Any combination of the above.

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