
Expert security advice for ecommerce websites.

Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecurityPSD2 and Strong Customer Authentication
New regulations are coming into effect on the 14th of September 2019, that are designed to help make online payments more secure and keep customer pa...
Best’s Tips for Better Security Vulnerability Reports
We’ve received many bug bounty reports over the years, and while some are very well-written, many simply aren’t clear or effective. Here we’ll lay ou...
SecurityPrivacy, Foxy, and the EU’s GDPR
In our 11+ years of doing Foxy, there are occasionally new compliance concerns or security updates that cause industry-wide discussion and concern. I...
SecurityBots & The Rising Threat to Ecommerce
Learn how bots have become a key part of the fraudsters’ arsenal and cost ecommerce sites billions of dollars per year.
SecurityThe DROWN Attack
Last year saw a number of well-publicized SSL security vulnerabilities, many of them with their own sites and branding. (Heartbleed, FREAK, and Logja...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecuritySafe Harbor is dead. Long live… something else?
When most companies set out to sell online, compliance isn’t top of mind. We might think about PCI compliance. We usually think about sales tax compl...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecuritySSL Vulnerabilities: POODLE
This year has not been a good year for SSL — one of the fundamental protocols relied on for secure communication. Last week saw the announcement of t...
Product Updates
Product UpdatesSecurityThe Heartbleed Bug
As you may have read in recent news there’s a new SSL attack in town: CVE–2014–0160 a.k.a Heartbleed. There certainly is a lot of buzz about this rig...